Course List by Instructor Report
This report provides a list of the courses that a specific instructor has taught since 2007. It features course enrollments, student credit hours (SCH), and class counts by course-listing unit. The result table includes a flag to identify if a course is cross-listed. The result set also features the percentage of the class that the instructor taught based on the instructor hours. Values of less than 100% indicate that the class is team-taught.
You can select one metric at a time for multiple semesters and can filter the result set by instructor, course level, offering type, instructional format and instructor function. The filters in the middle column are arranged by level of detail. Each time you select a filter, the list of choices in the filters below are narrowed.
The default metric for this report is a count of enrollments (Prorated Instr Enrollment Cnt). To report on student credit hours, go to the prompts and change the selection for Metric to Prorated Instr SCH Nbr.
Percentage of Instructor Hours Taught
Values of less than 100% indicate that the class is team-taught. Note that in the dashboard, the result set provides an aggregate for the course for the instructor. The instructor featured may have only taught one or a few of the classes or course sections offered for that course. The total on this report is the total for the instructor and not for the course.
Sample Question and Answer
In Spring 2024, what courses did Shirshendu Ganguly teach?
To see the courses that this instructor taught, select the following filters and Apply:
Academic Yr: 2023-24
Year & Semester: 2024 Spring
Snapshot: EOT
Instructor Name: Shirshendu Ganguly
Professor Ganguly taught sections of Statistics 197 and 299, along with a crosslisted course composed of Mathematics C218B and Statistics C205B.