How to Check Current Access
Most faculty and staff members are automatically granted access to Global Dashboards. Some subject areas require special access.
Before you request access, run the Customer Access Privileges dashboard to look up what access you currently have.
- You can find the Calnet User ID (UID) using the Berkeley Directory. You can search a handful of UIDs by separating each with a semicolon and no space after, e.g. "12345;6789". If you want to look up the roles for your whole department, you can copy and paste a list of UIDs by clicking the Calnet UID prompt dropdown triangle --> More/Search --> pencil icon at the top right --> copy and paste --> OK --> OK --> Apply to run the report..
- It is best to populate the Display Name using the "More/Search" function at the bottom of the prompt dropdown, since names have different formats.
- You can look up a list of users who have access to a certain dashboard or data role using the Access Role prompt.