Teaching Activity Dashboard Job Aid


The enrollments and student credit hours (SCH) in the Teaching Activity dashboard are by course-listing department, which is the department that offered the class. To see enrollments and SCH by credited department, use the Departmental Teaching Workload dashboard instead. For full details on the distinction between the calculations for listing and credited department, see Rules for Assignment of Teaching Credit

Key Considerations for Accurately Interpreting the Reports

This dashboard presents data by course-listing department, so it is appropriate to use the metrics for use in curriculum planning. For reporting by credited department, which is more useful for budgeting and resource allocation analyses, use the Departmental Teaching Workload dashboard.



Prorated Instr Enrollment Cnt

Prorated Instructor Enrollment Cnt is the course enrollment count that we associate with the instructor for that course and that we prorate for team-teaching. The proration of the enrollment count for a course is based on the instructor hours per week for each member of the teaching team. For example, if there is only one instructor for the course, this metric will associate all of the enrollments in that course with the single instructor. However, if a course has a total of three instructor hours per week and is taught by a two-person teaching team and each member of the team has 1.5 instructor hours, then we would associate half of the enrollments with each instructor because they each had half of the instructor hours. In this example if there were 10 enrollments in the class then the Prorated Instructor Enrollment Cnt would be 5 for each instructor and 10 for the course total.

Prorated Instr SCH Nbr

Prorated Instructor SCH Nbr is the number of student credit hours for a course that we associate with the instructor for that course and that we prorate for team-teaching. Because individual students can take some classes for differing credit, student credit hours (SCH) is the sum of each enrolled student's units. This SCH number for a given class is prorated for team-teaching, and the proration is based on the instructor hours per week for each member of the teaching team for the course. For example, if there is only one instructor for the course, this metric will associate all of the SCH for that course with the single instructor. However, if a course has a total of three instructor hours per week and is taught by a two-person teaching team and each member of the team has 1.5 instructor hours, then we would associate half of the SCH with each instructor because they each had half of the instructor hours.  In this example, if there were 40 SCH for the course then the Prorated Instructor SCH Nbr would be 20 for each instructor and 40 for the course total.

Data Source and Update Schedule

Teaching Activity by Instructor Type Report