Transactions Tab
This page provides the lowest level of detail for transactions on this fund. Select one or more months to view transaction details. You can also use the "Extended View" to look up the document ID, which will provide with you with the information you need to request a change or correction for a transaction in BFS.
If you're a PI, this page can be used to look up chartstrings used for past activities in this fund; for example if you need to submit a reimbursement for a travel expense, you can see the chartstring used last time on this page.
In the Transactions Tab, you can:
- See each expense or transfer for a specific fund within a designated time period.
- Access the new "Full Chartstring" view, which shows the full chartstring to see all chartfields that have been used on this fund, including the account code and new project costing (PC) fields.
- Use multi-fund reporting to view all funds associated with a faculty member without having to choose a single fund.
- View the "Budget" column, to allow access to details of all transactions in order to capture all activities in the month at the transaction level.