Learning resources
Student Demographics and Outcomes reporting incorporates data for both registered students and awarded degrees. This data helps staff understand the composition and academic behaviors of our student body, as well as examine outcomes, such as retention and graduation, for different groups. Cal Answers allows integration of student demographics and outcomes data with a variety of other data sources, including applicants, student financials, and curriculum. This level of integration is a prime driver of the campus’ enterprise data warehouse, and enables faster, more data-driven decision making at all levels of the university. The Cal Answers team released initial demographics and outcomes dashboard reports in 2011, and continues to expand the selection of available reports.
Providing insight to critical campus goals
- Majors: Which major programs do students choose? Which majors are growing or shrinking over time?
- Diversity: Does the campus attract and retain a diverse set of students?
- Residency: What are the trends for out of state and international students?
- Academic Excellence: How many classes or units to students take each semester? What are their GPAs?
- Outcomes: How many students go on academic probation? How many are retained over time? How many graduate within a particular number of calendar years? How many enrolled semesters, on average, do students take to graduate?
Review data about the official registered student census
- Which majors are growing or shrinking over time?
- What are the demographic attributes of students in particular programs?
- How does the student gender and ethnic composition of a particular unit compare to the campus as a whole?
- How have the gender and ethnic compositions of UC Berkeley’s undergraduate colleges and divisions changed over time?
What was the Number of Registered UnderGraduate and graduate Students at UC BErkeley for the last five years?
This Census Counts dashboard below shows Student Headcount (the count of all registered students, as of the official census snapshot) for both Undergraduate (U) and Graduate (G) students for All Campus broken out by Fall and Spring semesters for the last five years.
Link to this Census Dashboard view for anyone with Cal Answers access. If not already in Cal Answers you will be prompted to log in.
Degrees Earned
Review data about undergraduate and graduate level degrees and certificates the university awards to students upon completion of their program
- How many undergraduates receive degrees from UC Berkeley?
- How many women in STEM fields does UC Berkeley award each year?
- What are the demographic attributes of students who earn degrees from particular programs?
- Are professional degrees growing and, if so, in which programs?
- How does the gender and ethnic composition of degree recipients in a particular unit compare to the campus as a whole?
Graduation, Retention & Time to Degree
Review data on graduation, retention and time to degree for entering and exiting cohorts of undergraduates
- How many undergraduates does the campus retain over time?
- Do retention rates vary by various demographic characteristics?
- How many of the undergraduates who enter UC Berkeley at the same time graduate within 4, 5, and 6 years?
- Do international and domestic out-of-state students, who have higher attendance costs, graduate faster than California residents?
- How long did it take undergraduate degree recipients to dgraduate? What was their mean and median time-to-degree?
- How does undergraduate time to degree vary across academic units (e.g., college, department)?
Multiple Majors
Review data and visualizations on students with multiple majors (e.g., Double Major, Triple Major) and popular major combinations
- What percentage of undergraduate students campus-wide and in a given major are single, double, or triple majors? Has that changed over time? How does it compare to other majors?
- Which programs have the highest number and percentage of multiple majors?
- For multiple majors in my program, what are their other majors? What are the most common major combinations?
- Which multiple major combinations across the campus are clustered together?