Procure to Pay





Procure and Spend reporting provides insight to decision makers to enable us to reach our goals including saving money, smoother processing, greater compliance, stronger relations with key vendors, and goals for vendor diversity. Money saved through more strategic purchasing can be redirected to the university's core mission of teaching, research and public service.

Providing insight to critical campus business goals

  • Operational Efficiency: How can we make the purchasing and disbursement processes more efficient?

  • Financial Sustainability: Where are opportunities to save money by increasing on-contract spend, negotiating early payment discounts, moving spending to catalogues, etc.?

  • Regulatory effectiveness: How can we improve regulatory controls?



Procurement Card - New September 13, 2018

Provides details for purchases made with various procurement cards, including Event Planner, Procurement, and Travel Study cards. These transactions have 15 days from their staging date to be cleared in BFS. Use this tab to track the transactions that need to be cleared and the ones that have been cleared.

This report is useful for financial services, business services, and procurement professionals who use procurement cards to make purchases.

Learn more by reading the wiki page on Procurement Card reporting or review the Getting Started with Procurement Card Reporting job aid.

Non-Catalog Spend with Catalog Suppliers

Allows you to compare your catalog vs. non-catalog voucher activity to the rest of campus for a specified time period based on the voucher-entered date to answer questions such as:

Are there opportunities to move spend onto catalogs to save users' time and take advantage of the relationships with our favored suppliers?

On/Off Contract Summary

Allows you to compare on- and off-contract spending by commodity group and supplier to answer questions such as:

  • Are there opportunities to move more spend on-contract, thereby saving the campus money and processing time?
  • What progress is being made over time in moving purchases to contracted vendors?

Spend by Form Type

Allows you to compare the forms you use to make purchases compared to the rest of campus month-by-month for a specified time period based on the voucher entered date to answer questions such as:

Are we minimizing the use of After-the-Fact Purchase Orders and Payment Requests?

Spend by Purchasing Supplier

Allows you to identify the relative spend and order volume we have done with suppliers to answer questions such as:

Can we improve vendor terms and/or reduce the number of suppliers?

Voucher Automation

Categorizes vouchers into either "High Level of Automation" or "Low Level of Automation" based on the level of human intervention required to process them to answer questions such as:

Is the campus improving our use of electronic invoicing to save time and money?

Consolidated Spend

Allows you to view all types of spend including BluCard, Catalog, Non-Catalog, and Forms. You can analyze the results by either the number or amount of transactions. Key questions the report addresses include:

  • What percentage of my overall spend is BluCard?
  • How often is my area using Payment Request or After the Fact forms compared to overall spend and campus spend?
  • What was my area's total spend for Fiscal Year 2014?


Payment Terms and Discounts

Allows you to track campus and department success at realizing discounts and paying suppliers on time to answer questions such as:

  • Where are we missing opportunities for early payment discounts?
  • Can we demonstrate a history of timely payments that will enable negotiating more favorable contracts?

Time to Pay

Allows you to track the number of vouchers by Org Node and/or Supplier and the time it took for payment to answer questions such as:

  • Where are payments not meeting vendor payment terms?
  • Where are opportunities to negotiate better payment terms or use a more efficient method of processing payments?
  • Are vouchers being approved in a timely manner?

Internal Control

Approved Match Exception Summary

Presents a summary of voucher lines where there was an approved match exception for a greater quantity or cost than the purchase order to answer questions such as:

  • Are there overpayments that can be recovered?
  • Are there opportunities to adjust the practices of either purchase orders preparers or particular vendors to reduce match exceptions?

Same Creator and Approver

Allows you to see when the Purchase Requisition Creator, Requisition Org Node Approver and the Voucher Org Node Approver were the same User to answer questions such as:

  • Where are we at risk for fraud?
  • How can we improve the approval chain, so there is oversight for all transactions?

Auto Approved Requisitions

Allows you to assess your Org Node's requisition auto approvals compared to the rest of the campus month-by-month for a specified time period based on the requisition submitted date to answer questions such as:

  • Is my unit taking advantage of the efficiency of auto-approved requisitions?
  • Are auto-approved requisitions being used appropriately?

Auto Approved Invoices

Displays purchase order, invoice, voucher, and receipt information for transactions that have been auto approved to answer questions such as:

Are there opportunities to monitor for insufficient oversight, non-receipt of goods and services and, possibly even, theft?

Requisition Workflow

Allows you to assess the average time it takes campus vouchers to route through voucher workflow steps in order to identify bottlenecks

Voucher Workflow

Allows you to view how long an invoice spent in the workflow approval process - shown by by complete workflow process, by department, or by central category. Track the average number of days the complete process took down to the average days spent in each approval step, and drill down to the invoice detail. Key questions the report addresses include:

  • What is the average number of days an invoice spends in the approval process in my area?
  • Am I meeting my department targets?
  • Do certain types of purchases (Payment Request vs. Non-Catalog) take longer to approve than others?


Buyer Activity

Displays the volume of purchase orders processed by campus buyers within a specified set of criteria for buyers, purchase order date range, chart strings, and suppliers.

Requisition Creator Activity

Displays the volume of purchase orders processed by requisition creators within a specified purchase order date range to answer questions such as:

  • What is the workload of my requisition creators?
  • Are there opportunities to better balance workload, reduce unnecessary work, and increase productivity?


PO Summary

Allows you to see information for all purchase orders based on date range, supplier, and chart strings values.

  • What is the remaining balance on a specific PO?
  • Which POs in my area can be closed?
  • What are available balances on my Amount Only POs?

Voucher Detail

Displays payment information including invoice/voucher numbers and dates, merchandise and monetary amounts, actual amount paid, and general ledger accounting codes associated with each voucher.

Quick Start

System Issue Alerts

Quick Start Guide to Using Dashboard Reports

System Maintenance

Cal Answers will be unavailable for planned maintenance:

  • Sunday, February 2, 6:00 am to 12:00 noon
  • Sunday, February 9, 6:00 am to 12:00 noon