Quick start guide to using dashboard reports

This job aid shows you the process to generate a report in Cal Answers from logging in all the way through customizing the report to suit your needs. Below the procedure, there are links to job aids, videos, self-study and instructor-led courses to so you can become more proficient using Cal Answers.

Log in and generate a report

Follow these steps to generate a Cal Answers report

  1. Log in
  2. Open a dashboard
  3. Read the Overview tab
  4. Select a report in the dashboard
  5. Select filters/prompts and click Apply
  6. Make the report work for you

1. Log In

Go to calanswers.berkeley.edu and click Log in to Cal Answers. Enter your CalNet ID and Passphrase.

Cal Answers home page with Log in to Cal Answers circled

2. Open a dashboard

Expand a subject area and click a dashboard link.

Cal Answers home page after log in with subject area expanded

3. Read the Overview tab

The Overview tab describes each of the reports in the dashboard and it has links to wiki documentation about the reports and a dictionary of the data in the dashboard reports.

Dashboard with Overview tab selected and links to Wiki pages circled

4. Select a report in the dashboard

Navigate to a report using either the links at the top of the page or the links within the Overview tab.

5. Select filters/prompts and select Apply

Select the data you want to include in the report using the filters or prompts at the top of the report. When you have made your selections, click the Apply button to generate the report.

Prompts section of a report with Apply button circled

6. Make the report work for you

Right-click a column heading for a menu of options to modify columns.

Quick menu that opens when user right-clicks a column in the report

Click a link in the report to drill down to a detail report.

Report with hyperlinked value circled

Select the Export link below the report to export data for further analysis.

Area below report with Export link circled

Learning Resources

For more training resources, go to calanswers.berkeley.edu/training to find resources to learn more about basic navigation as well as deeper dives into the dashboards and reports.