Print and Export Reports Job Aid

This job aid shows you how to print and export your Cal Answers reports.


You can print your report as a Printable PDF or a Printable HTML. PDF is a final format that cannot be edited. HTML displays your report and prompt filter selection in a separate browser tab. 

How to Print Reports

Use the Print link located below the report to access the print choices.

Print link below report circled

There is also a Print command available from the Page Options button. In addition to the data table and filter key, this command also includes the data table filters from the Filters/Prompt section at the top of the dashboard page.

Print on Page Options menu


Once you have run a report, you can export the formatted report to a PDF file, or an Excel or Power Point file. All of these selections give you a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) presentation that cannot be edited without significant effort. 

If you'd like to further manipulate the data, you can export to Data. For exporting data, the CSV Format is recommended; it exports unformatted data from all columns, not only the ones visible in the report.

Note: There are a few reports for which exporting to Excel may be a good option. These are two pivot based reports for which the dashboard report is a pivot of the underlying table. For these reports, we suggest exporting to Excel. This format may be easier for analysis than the  unpivoted version of the data from a .CSV export.

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How to Export Reports and Data 

Select the Export hyperlink below the report to access the choices to export a formatted report or data in various formats.

Additional Resources

  • Video: View, print, and export reports (3 minutes)
  • Note that bookmarks are the preferred method for sharing data because they generate current data whereas printouts and data exports create snapshots of the data.