Student Demographics & Outcomes Dashboards

Common Filters in Student Demographics & Outcomes Dashboards



Academic Year

An academic year consists of a Summer, a Fall, and a Spring term.

Year & Semester

This is the combination of academic year and semester name.


This indicates whether a student is an undergraduate or a graduate student.


This is the academic unit that administers a given major degree program.


This is the name of a major degree program.

Entry Status 

Entry Status indicates how a student was admitted to UC Berkeley. The most common entry statuses for undergraduates are "New Freshmen" (students who enter directly from high school) and "Advanced Standing" (students who transfer from other institutions).

Entry College

For undergraduates, this is the college to which they were admitted to the university.

Degree Level

Degree Level indicates one of seven possible categories (e.g., "Doctoral") for a given degree.

Derived Residency

Derived residency combines official residency and citizenship to indicate if a student is International, Out of State Domestic, or a California Resident.


Ethnicity reporting makes use of each student’s self-reported UC ethnicity, and can be at several different levels of detail.

First-Generation Status

First-Generation Status indicates whether an undergraduate student is (or will be) a first-generation 4-year college graduate, as self-reported on their most recent undergraduate application for admission.


This is a student’s gender of record: Female, Male, Nonbinary, or Decline to State.

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