Select Prompts

Select Prompts

There are three different types of prompts in Cal Answers that you'll use to apply filters:

Single select: as the name implies, you can select one value

Drop-down menu with single selection allowed

Multi-select: check the box for each value you'd like to include

Drop-down menu with checkboxes to allow multiple selections

Conditions: use operators to search based on conditions you specify. You may select a single value, multiple values, or a range of values.

Drop-down menu with list of conditions to select

Prompts with Conditions

Selecting Values Using Operators

Some operators do exactly what they say: greater than, less than, equal to, and not equal to. The rest of the operators are explained here.



Is null

Is not null

Use this condition to find records where there is value or the column is blank. This is particularly useful with Chartfield1 and Chartfield2.

Is ranked last

Is ranked first

Ranked first returns the top n members where n is the number you select. Ranked last returns the bottom members.

We recommend that you use only a single period with this filter as the top results may be different across periods.

Is LIKE (pattern match)

Is not LIKE (pattern match)

This comparison allows the use of wildcards in the search string to find text that matches a pattern.

Underscore "_" is used for a single text character. For example, "T_m" will return Tim, Tom, and Tam.

Percent "%" is used for any combination of characters, alpha or numeric, and is sometimes called a wildcard. For example, "%c_n" will return Applicant Status, Cancelled Date, and Supplier Contact Name.

Is Between

Select lower and upper values; returns all values from the lower to the upper value. For example, to select a range of Dept IDs, you may select 10045 as the lower value and 10060 as the upper value.

Use Search to Select

Prompts that have a large list of possible values to select have a Search feature at the bottom of the list. Click the Search link to open a dialog box to select values.

Search highlighted on filter drop-down list

  1. If you know the beginning or end of the value you are looking for, you can select Starts or Ends from the drop-down list and enter the characters you know in the text box and select Search.
  2. If you care about case, check Match Case. If you search for Wellness with Match Case checked, Cal Answers will return Wellness but will not return WELLNESS or wellness. 
  3. Select Search

Search dialog box with Name and Match Case highlighted

4. You can select one or more of the results. Use the > in the middle of the dialog box to move from the Available to the Selected pane. 

5. Select OK to apply the selection and close the dialog box.


Select a link to open one of the exercises so you can practice these skills. The skills you will practice are the same but the dashboards used are different for each subject area. 

Exercise 1 - Financials

Exercise 1 - HR Reporting

Exercise 1 - Student Data