Student Curriculum Dashboards

Common Filters in Student Curriculum Dashboards



Academic Year

An academic year consists of a Summer, a Fall, and a Spring term.

Year & Semester

This is the combination of academic year and semester name.


Snapshot refers to a particular point in time at which Cal Answers extracted data from the source system. "CEN" is the official census snapshot for each term. "EOT" refers to the end of term snapshot, which is taken after the semester has ended and grades have been submitted. Weekly snapshots are taken on Saturday morning of every week during the year.


This is usually the academic unit that offers a course. Some dashboards show the “credited” academic unit, which is where teaching credit for a course gets assigned.

Course Subject

A course subject is an area of study (e.g., Dutch) offered by a department (e.g., German).


A course is the combination of a course subject and a course number (e.g., Biology 1A).

Course Level

The academic level of a course can be Graduate, or for undergraduate courses, either Lower Division or Upper Division.

Offering Type

Course offering types are Primary, Secondary, and Independent Study.

Instructional Format

Instructional Format indicates the method of instruction used in a class (course section).

Level1 Job Census Hier Desc

This is a high-level HR grouping of job titles, in this case for different types of instructors.

Instructor Function

The instructor function describes the instructor’s role for the class. It distinguishes between an instructor's teaching and administrative duties.

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