Cal Answers Financials

Cal Answers HR Reporting now available

April 2, 2018

Cal Answers and HR BAIRS Community,

We are pleased to announce the Cal Answers Campus Workforce (HR) dashboards are now live. The Cal Answers team partnered with Human Resources professionals from central and campus units to develop dashboards to replace the HR reporting currently in BAIRS, which is being retired in December.

Please take this opportunity to use Cal Answers for all seasonal HR reporting activities while BAIRS is still available to ensure you...

Payroll data in BFS and Cal Answers

April 17, 2019

BFS and Cal Answers Community,

Now that UCPath is live, payroll journals will post in BFS and be displayed in Cal Answers more frequently. As a result, we will no longer send email notifications when payroll data are made available in reports.

Payroll expense transfers processed in PPS for pre-UCPath payroll entries (transactions for pay periods ending 03/09/19 and prior) will continue to be posted once a month in BFS with the PPS data available for reporting in the legacy Payroll Expense report in Cal Answers.

If you have questions about using Cal Answers or BFS,...

Cal Answers General Ledger Reporting dashboard now available

April 19, 2018

Cal Answers Financials and BAIRS Community,

The Cal Answers Financials General Ledger (GL) Reporting dashboard is now available. The reports in this dashboard replace the GL summary and detail reports in BAIRS with Cal Answers functionality and global access to campus financial data. Cal Answers functionality includes the ability to filter, include, exclude, and move columns on the fly;...

August 2018 Top 10 Cal Answers Financials Report Runners!

September 11, 2018

Check out our Top 10 Cal Answers Financials Finance report runners for the month of August 2018!

Financial Management Reporting (FMR) General Ledger & Multi-Year Reporting

As a campus, we ran almost the same number of Cal Answers Financials reports in August over July (fiscal close). Thank you to all our BAIRS users who are making the...

How do I select multiple filter values in the dashboard prompts at the same time?

Single vs. Multi-Select

Prompts with a checkmark allow you to select one value.

Prompts with checkboxes allow you to select multiple values.

select multiple items

Enter Multiple Codes or Numeric Values

When you want to select multiple numeric values and you know the codes, it isn’t necessary to select them from a drop-down list. You can type or paste them into the prompt separated...

Can I run a concurrent analysis without leaving my current one?

This is helpful when you need to compare two different sets of results within the same dashboard. You can create a bookmark link and open it in a new tab.

You can also open a new tab and go to to go to another dashboard.

Training Resources Job Aid:...

Cal Answers update - document your bookmark links and saved customizations

September 8, 2020
Cal Answers Finance and Payroll Communities, When we transitioned from the legacy PPS system to UCPath, the term Payroll Period End Date (or Pay Period End Date) took on a new meaning. The Payroll Period End Date is now the last date of the UCPath payroll period in which pay was processed, corresponding to the old PPS term Pay Cycle End Date. The equivalent of the old Pay Period End Date field is now the Earnings Period End Date field. To clarify this, we are planning to rename the Payroll Period End date prompts, columns, and report filters to Earnings Period End Date. This...

Cal Answers Current Employee CBR dashboard available

July 31, 2020
Cal Answers Financials Community, We are pleased to announce the Cal Answers...