Cal Answers Payroll dashboard live and HR dashboard updates

May 14, 2020

Cal Answers Payroll and HR Communities,

As part of the UCPath conversion, we have updated the Cal Answers Payroll dashboard and we are pleased to announce it is now live with data from UCPath. The Payroll dashboard you have been using up to this point has been renamed Legacy Payroll dashboard and now includes only pre-UCPath data through March 8, 2019, and post-UCPath expense transfers performed in PPS through September 30, 2019. We have also made significant updates to the Position Management and Workforce Detail dashboards.

Payroll dashboard 

The payroll dashboard is now available with UCPath data.

The new UCPath Payroll dashboard contains information concerning payroll processed through UCPath. This dashboard is designed to help answer questions about how much and what kinds of pay have been processed, for whom, where that payroll was charged, what effort or hours are associated with that pay.

Training resources

  • Wiki: The wiki page for Payroll has been updated with definitions of the terms used in the new dashboard and an overview of the new reporting tabs.
  • Job aids: The job aids for the new dashboards are available on the Cal Answers Payroll page.
  • Webinar training: The Cal Answers team is offering webinars on Tuesday, May 19, and Thursday, May 21 that will provide an overview of the Payroll dashboard. Please visit the training page to learn more and sign up. We'll also post a recorded webinar to the Cal Answers website afterward.

Access to the Payroll dashboards

With the release of this new report, we are transitioning to a global-only access model for payroll reporting, the same as we have for finance data. If you already have global access to the Legacy Payroll dashboard, you have global access to the new dashboard and do not need to take any action. If you had departmentally-restricted access to the Legacy Payroll dashboard then either your Divisional Finance Leader has approved you for global access to both the Legacy and UCPath payroll dashboards, in which case you do not need to take any action, or your access has been removed. If you did not previously have access and would like to request it or if your access has been removed and you would like to request that it be reinstated, please follow the instructions in the "Payroll Dashboard and Ad Hoc Access" section on the Access page.

HR dashboards

The Position Management and Workforce Detail dashboards have been updated.

The new features in the Position Management and Workforce Detail dashboards include the following:

  • The Position Management dashboard now has a third tab called Exceptions, where you can review your action-needed flags in one place. The flags in the Position Roster tab have been moved to Exceptions.
  • The Exceptions tab has two new flags "Missing Supervisor" and "Org Node Overridden" to indicate when you need to add a supervisor so the employee's CalTime cards can be approved or you need to make sure the org node of a job's job record and position record match.
  • The Funding tabs in the Position Management and Workforce Detail dashboards now have a "Distribution % x FTE" column that represents the percent of time the employee is working on a given distribution line.

In addition to the new features, we've updated a couple of the existing features within the dashboards.

  • The chartstrings in the Funding tabs of the Position Management and Workforce Detail dashboards now reflect what's in the most recent funding entry record in the correct budget year that has the same department as the job and position records. More details are available on the wiki page.
  • As we explained in our previous email, the Workforce Detail dashboard had so many columns it was at risk for running slowly or not loading properly. To minimize this risk, we removed almost half of the columns. These columns were mostly in the Compensation Data and Job Funding tabs. You can still find most of them in the Job Data tab.

Release timeline for dashboards affected by UCPath

We're working to re-release the Cal Answers reports with data from UCPath and have posted the working draft of our timeline on the Cal Answers website.

Questions and feedback

If you have questions about using Cal Answers, please contact the Cal Answers Help Desk at 664-9000 (option 1, then option 2) or

Thank you,

Cal Answers Team
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance