Cal Answers Financials

Cal Answers General Ledger Reporting dashboard now available

April 19, 2018

Cal Answers Financials and BAIRS Community,

The Cal Answers Financials General Ledger (GL) Reporting dashboard is now available. The reports in this dashboard replace the GL summary and detail reports in BAIRS with Cal Answers functionality and global access to campus financial data. Cal Answers functionality includes the ability to filter, include, exclude, and move columns on the fly;...

August 2018 Top 10 Cal Answers Financials Report Runners!

September 11, 2018

Check out our Top 10 Cal Answers Financials Finance report runners for the month of August 2018!

Financial Management Reporting (FMR) General Ledger & Multi-Year Reporting

As a campus, we ran almost the same number of Cal Answers Financials reports in August over July (fiscal close). Thank you to all our BAIRS users who are making the...

How do I select all of the options in the prompts?

If the drop-down list includes All Column Values, select that option.

If the drop-down list has checkboxes, you can check all of the boxes. When there are many boxes, click Search at the bottom of the list of open the Select Values dialog box.


Someone sent me a bookmark link but when I try to open it, I get an error message.

You may not have access to the report, or you may have access but not to the data in this specific report. See Getting Access to Cal Answers for details about checking your current access and requesting access. If you have access, then it may be a technical issue with the bookmark link. Please email

How do I find out if a colleague or customer has access to Cal Answers Financials?

Before helping a colleague or customer request access, please check if they already have access. See Getting Access to Cal Answers \ Check Current Access for more information.

Cal Answers Payroll dashboard live and HR dashboard updates

May 14, 2020
Cal Answers Payroll and HR Communities,
As part of the UCPath conversion, we have updated the Cal Answers Payroll dashboard and we are pleased to announce it is now live with data from UCPath. The Payroll dashboard you have been using up to this point has been renamed...

Cal Answers updates before BAIRS retirement on 12/22

November 14, 2018

Cal Answers Financials and BAIRS Community,

We’ve now completed all the releases necessary to transition from BAIRS to Cal Answers. BAIRS will remain available through December 21. On December 22, 2018we will close down BAIRS and the system will no longer be accessible. These last few weeks are your final opportunity to use Cal Answers while BAIRS is still available, so please take the opportunity to transition to Cal Answers now.

We’re pleased to announce that we...

Upcoming Cal Answers upgrade, save your bookmark links and customizations

December 4, 2018

Cal Answers Financials and BAIRS Community,

Now that we’ve completed all the releases necessary to transition from BAIRS to Cal Answers, we’re working on incorporating your feedback on Cal Answers and implementing some upgrades to the system. The Cal Answers upgrade will be released in February and will improve the user experience by providing the ability to copy data directly out of Cal Answers reports and enabling users to create and reuse custom columns.

Recreate saved customizations and bookmark links...