Cal Answers General Ledger Reporting dashboard now available

April 19, 2018

Cal Answers Financials and BAIRS Community,

The Cal Answers Financials General Ledger (GL) Reporting dashboard is now available. The reports in this dashboard replace the GL summary and detail reports in BAIRS with Cal Answers functionality and global access to campus financial data. Cal Answers functionality includes the ability to filter, include, exclude, and move columns on the fly; save your customizations; and easily share customizations with a bookmark link. The dashboard will be especially relevant to those who are responsible for BFS journals, who manage non-current funds, and who need to report on asset and liability accounts.

As BAIRS is scheduled to be retired in December of this year, we encourage you to take this opportunity to use Cal Answers to complete your GL reporting activities while BAIRS is still available to ensure you understand how to find the information you need within the new dashboard.

General Ledger (GL) Reporting dashboard

The GL Reporting dashboard contains data from the campus general ledger Berkeley Financial System (BFS) and includes the following reports:

  • General Ledger Summary: Provides an interactive summary-level report with information from the BFS general ledger to review balances as of the accounting period that you've selected.
  • By Accounting Period: Supports trend analysis with a report of all accounts by account category in a monthly format.
  • Compensation by Accounting Period: Facilitates tracking and reconciling payroll activity as posted to BFS with compensation-related expenses by month.
  • General Ledger Detail: Enables monthly reconciliation down to the lowest level of transaction detail.

Training resources

  • Wiki: The General Ledger dashboard wiki includes definitions of the terms you will find in the dashboards and an overview of each reporting tab.
  • Job aid: A job aid on the new dashboard provides an overview of the reports available in the General Ledger dashboard, along with tips on customizing views.


If you have access to the BAIRS financial reports module, then you have access to the General Ledger Reporting dashboard. We also automatically granted access to those with access to the Financial Management Reporting dashboard. If you need to request access, you may request it through Cal Access using these instructions.

Questions and feedback

If you have technical questions about using Cal Answers, please contact the Cal Answers Help Desk at 664-9000 ( option 1, then option 2) or

Your feedback is welcome. If you would like to provide feedback to the project team, please contact us at

Thank you,

Cal Answers Financials Team

Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance