Graduation, Retention & Time to Degree Dashboard

The Graduation, Retention & Time to Degree dashboard has five reports that display information about undergraduate retention and graduation headcounts and rates and time to degree. The dashboard has data to support inquiries such as:

  • What are Berkeley’s undergraduate retention and graduation rates?
  • How long does it take undergraduate students to graduate? 

Understanding Undergraduate Cohort Graduation/Retention Data

For certain kinds of analyses, typically involving undergraduate retention and graduation rates, it is necessary to look at cohorts of entering students. By convention, these cohorts consist of undergraduates entering in the same semester, as either new freshmen directly from high school or as advanced standing (transfer) students.

We calculate graduation numbers as either year or half-year values. For example, a student entering in Fall 2021 becomes part of that entry cohort. We consider the fall semester to be the first 0.5 year, with the spring and immediately following summer terms as the second 0.5 year. Therefore, if this student received a degree at the end of the Fall 2024 semester, the years-to-graduation number would be 3.5 years. If we awarded the degree in Spring or Summer 2025, the years-to-graduation number would be 4 years.

We usually calculate retention only by full years, so these numbers refer to a term fall-to-next equivalent term retention, e.g. student above enters in Fall 2021 and later registers in Fall 2022.


UG Retention Report