April 24, 2020
Permanent Budget Report Users,
We have updated the Cal Answers Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard for FY20 data and we are pleased to announce it is now live with data converted due to UCPath. (Please note that faculty funding remains at the time being as of June 30, 2019 levels.) The Permanent Budget dashboard you have been using has been renamed to Legacy Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard and it includes data from FY19 and earlier (pre-UCPath).
Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard for FY20 and later
The key changes to the Permanent Budget are that the Position Resource Tracking (PRT) module in BIBS/BFS has been retired and we are testing a new business process to update faculty funding in the Permanent Budget. The new Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard utilizes UCPath job codes, position numbers, and employee IDs. Due to UCPath and PRT retirement conversion journals being posted in the earlier periods of FY20, we recommend that you run the Academic Breakdown and Ledger Summary reports for fiscal year 2019-20, accounting period 10 - Apr and later. See the UCPath and PRT Conversion Details page for more details about the conversion.
Legacy Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard for FY19 and earlier (pre-UCPath)
The Legacy Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard does not display UCPath job codes, position numbers, and employee IDs. We recommend for FY2018-19 data that you run the Legacy Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard for accounting period 8 - Feb and earlier in order to see balances by job code/position/employee (prior years may still be run for later periods).
Training resources
- Permanent Budget Reporting Wiki: The wiki for Permanent Budget has been updated with definitions of the terms used in the new dashboards and an overview of the new reporting tabs.
- Permanent Budget Job Aid: The job aid for the new dashboard is available on the Permanent Budget page.
Access to the new dashboards
If you have access to the Legacy Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard, you have access to the new dashboard as well and do not need to take any action. If you did not have access and would like to request it, please follow the instructions in the "Permanent Budget Reporting Dashboard and Ad Hoc Access" section on the Access page.
Recommended actions related to the go-live
Now that the new dashboards are live, you will need to recreate your bookmark links and saved customizations in the Legacy Permanent Budget Reporting dashboard. Visit the Cal Answers website for instructions on how to recreate them.
Questions and feedback
If you have questions about using Cal Answers, please contact the Cal Answers Help Desk at 664-9000 (option 1, then option 2) or calanswers-help@berkeley.edu.
Thank you,
Cal Answers Team
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance