UG Retention Report

The UG Retention report displays yearly retention headcounts and rates for undergraduate entry cohorts. Use this report to inquire about the number or percentage of undergraduates that return to register one or more years later.


Use the prompts at the top to filter your report by entry year and semester, entry status, gender, derived residency, first-generation status, ethnicity, and entry college.

UG Retention report prompts 

Here are some details about the prompts that may not be intuitive to understand. See the Student Demographics Report Data Dictionary for definitions of all prompts and report columns.

  • Derived Residency indicates official residency status from Campus Solutions regardless of whether the student pays in-state tuition or Nonresident Supplemental Tuition. Selections include CA Resident, International, Out of State Domestic, and Unknown.
  • First-Generation Status indicates whether an undergraduate student is (or will be) a first-generation 4-year college graduate, as self-reported on their most recent undergraduate application for admission.  When applying to the university, undergraduate applicants can indicate the educational attainment of two parents/guardians.  This flag then records if at least one parent/guardian has completed a 4-year college degree, if neither has, or if the student didn't provide the information.
  • There are 16 unique values for self-reported ethnicity data for students. These values roll up into a nine-value summary and a four-value summary. See Ethnicity in Student Data Dashboards for a chart showing the values in each of the three columns:
    • Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc
    • Ucb Level2 Ethnic Rollup Desc
    • Short Ethnic Desc

Data Views

Use the Select Data View drop-down list to display the results as either headcount or percentage for one to six years from the year of entry.

  • 1 Year Headcount % - 6 Year Headcount %
  • 1 Year Headcount - 6 Year Headcount

Sample Questions and Answers

Find the 1-year retention rate for international transfer students who entered in Fall 2020. Describe what this 1-year retention rate actually tells us.

Make the following selections in the prompts and Apply:

  • Year & Semester: 2020 Fall
  • Entry Status: Transfers
  • Derived Residency: International

 UG Retention prompts with 2020 Fall, Transfers, and International selected

Of the international transfer students who entered UC Berkeley in Fall 2020, 84.9% of them either returned in Fall 2021 or had graduated by that time.

Undergraduate Cohort Retention Data with 1 Year Headcount % Table data view 

Describe what this one-year retention rate actually tells us.


How many out-of-state domestic transfer students who entered in Fall 2020 were not retained after their 2nd year?

Make the following selections in the filters and Apply:

  • Year & Semester: 2020 Fall
  • Entry Status: Transfers
  • Derived Residency: Out of State Domestic

UG Retention prompts with 2020 Fall, Transfers, and Out of State Domestic selected 

In the Undergraduate Cohort Retention Data report, select 2 Year Headcount Table from the Select Data View drop-down list.

Undergraduate Cohort Retention Data with 2 Year Headcount Table highlighted 

28 Out of State Domestic Transfer students that entered in Fall 2020 were not retained after their second year.