UG Grad Rates by Multiple Fields Report

The Grad Rates by Multiple Fields report displays graduation headcounts and rates for undergraduate entry cohorts.


Use the prompts at the top to filter data for the report. Year & Semester is the time of entry, not the time of graduation.

UG Grad Rates by Multiple Fields prompts 

Select Report Fields

The table starts with four fields that you select from drop-down lists including:

  • Ucb Level 1 Ethnic Rollup Desc
  • Ucb Level 2 Ethnic Rollup Desc
  • Short Ethnic Desc
  • Gender Desc
  • Derived Residency Desc
  • Entry College

Customize the Report

You can include additional columns as desired and exclude columns as well to suit your reporting needs. See the UG Retention report for details about the prompts that may not be intuitive to understand. See the Student Demographics Report Data Dictionary for definitions of all of the fields in the prompts and report.

Data Views

  • Headcount Table is a count of graduates
  • Headcount % Table is the percentage of graduates that sum to 100% for each combination of columns in the report
  • Detailed Headcount Table is a count of graduates with graduation time period in half year increments
  • Detailed Headcount % Table is the percentage of graduates with graduation time periods in half year increments

Sample Question and Answer
