UG Time to Degree Report

The UG Time to Degree report includes only students who have earned degrees. For a more complete understanding of student outcomes, it is important to consider graduation rates in addition to the time-to-degree metrics.

Time to degree is the length of time it took a given graduating cohort of students to complete their degrees. You can view the data by graduation year, entry term, student entry status (New Freshman or Transfer) and for specific majors, departments, divisions, or colleges/schools as well as for students who completed either single or multiple majors.

Note: additional time-to-degree information is available to Cal Answers users with approved access to restricted data relating to students in their departments. The Restricted Time to Degree dashboard displays a detailed breakdown of the data by different student characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity, residency, and probation status. To request approval to view restricted student data, please review the instructions on the Cal Answers website.


Use the prompts at the top to filter your report by graduation year, entry status, entry term, college/school, division, department, major, and major type.

UG Time to Degree prompts 

Data Views

Use the view selector to display an average or median number of semesters or years to graduation. The degree recipient headcount is also available.

  • Average Enrolled Years
  • Average Enrolled Semesters
  • Average Calendar Time Elapsed (Years)
  • Median Enrolled Years
  • Median Enrolled Semesters
  • Median Calendar Time Elapsed (Years)
  • Degree Recipient Headcount

Sample Question and Answer

How many average enrolled years did it take the 2020-21 exit cohort of transfer students to graduate within, irrespective of number of majors and whether they entered in Fall or Spring.

Make the following selections in the prompts and Apply:

  • Graduation Year: 2020-21
  • Entry Status: Transfers
  • Entry Term: Fall; Spring

Undergraduate Time to Degree prompts with 2020-21, Transfers, and Fall;Spring selected 

Keep the Data View of Average Enrolled Years and scroll to the bottom of the report to see the grand total of 2.21 years.