The UG Grad Rates report displays graduation headcounts and rates for undergraduate entry cohorts.
Use the prompts at the top to filter by entry year and semester, entry status, gender, derived residency, first-generation status, ethnicity, and/or entry college.
Here are some details about the prompts that may not be intuitive to understand. See the Student Demographics Report Data Dictionary for definitions of all prompts and report columns.
- Derived Residency indicates official residency status from Campus Solutions regardless of whether the student pays in-state tuition or Nonresident Supplemental Tuition. Selections include CA Resident, International, Out of State Domestic, and Unknown.
- First-Generation Status indicates whether an undergraduate student is (or will be) a first-generation 4-year college graduate, as self-reported on their most recent undergraduate application for admission. When applying to the university, undergraduate applicants can indicate the educational attainment of two parents/guardians. This flag then records if at least one parent/guardian has completed a 4-year college degree, if neither has, or if the student didn't provide the information.
- There are 16 unique values for self-reported ethnicity data for students. These values roll up into a nine-value summary and a four-value summary. See Ethnicity in Student Data Dashboards for a chart showing the values in each of the three columns:
- Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc
- Ucb Level2 Ethnic Rollup Desc
- Short Ethnic Desc
Data Views
Display data by count or percentage for any of these metrics:
- Headcount is the number of students per graduation time period
- Running Sum Headcount is a cumulative total by graduation time period
- Detailed Headcount uses half years for the graduation time periods
- Detailed Running Sum Headcount is a cumulative total by half year graduation periods
The headcount views show the actual number of students. The percentage views show the percentage of undergrads graduating in a specified number of years where all rows sum to 100%.
Sample Questions and Answers
How many international freshmen who entered in the Fall 2015 cohort graduated within six years?
Make the following selections in the prompts and Apply:
- Year & Semester: 2015 Fall
- Entry Status: New Freshmen
- Derived Residency: International
Select Running Sum Headcount Table from the Select Data View drop-down list.
613 international freshmen who entered in the Fall 2015 cohort graduated within six years.
Describe what this 6-year graduation rate actually means.
Note that graduation rates are based on elapsed calendar time since time of entry and NOT # of enrolled Fall/Spring semesters. Thus, even when a student does not enroll in a given semester, that semester does count in the graduation rate calculation.
What is the graduation rate of this group of new international freshmen?
Select Running Sum Headcount % Table from the Select Data View drop-down list.
Of the international freshmen who entered Berkeley in Fall 2015, 91.5% graduated in six years or less.
Graduation rates can also be calculated for undergraduates who enter Berkeley as transfer students. However, we typically don’t use a 6-year graduation rate for transfer students. Given this hint, find the counterpart of the 6-year graduation rate for international transfer students. Further, do not use the Fall 2015 entry cohort and instead use the Fall 2017 cohort.
The counterpart to the 6-year freshman graduation rate is the 4-year transfer graduation rate.
Make the following selections in the prompts and Apply:
- Year & Semester: 2017 Fall
- Entry Status: Transfer
- Derived Residency: International
Select Running Sum Headcount % Table from the Select Data View drop-down list.
International transfer students who entered in Fall 2017 have a 93.9% graduation rate.