PI Portfolio provides a quick, comprehensive picture of faculty-managed fund balances, expenses, and budgets for faculty-managed funds and sponsored awards.
PI Portfolio Dashboard
This dashboard displays budgets, spending and balances for all faculty-managed funds. Users of the PI Portfolio dashboard include faculty members, Principal Investigators (PIs), Research Administrators (RAs), Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs), and other finance team members. It also allows users to drill down to more detailed analysis, by clicking on any fund on the Portfolio page and then using the tabs at the top to navigate.
When first using PI Portfolio, please confirm that all funding is appearing properly, and speak with your administrators if not.
What is Included
- Sponsored awards where the faculty member is listed as a PI or CoPI.
- Non-sponsored funds that are specifically attributed to the faculty member. These are transactions in the financial system that have been coded with a specific chartfield2 with the faculty member's ID.
This is usually the best starting place. This page allows users to review balances for all sponsored and non-sponsored funds attributed to a faculty member, and then click on a specific fund for more information. The view selectors allow users to choose between a single line summary by fund or more detailed breakdown. Read more.
There are two ways to filter the sponsored transactions that impact awards that have allocations to investigators other than the lead PI:
- “My Allocations” shows funds that have been specifically allocated to the CF2 of the faculty member.
- “Total Award” shows the entire sponsored award so that users can monitor overall spending.
Fund Summary
Contains detailed information about a specific fund including a breakdown of budget and expenses by category. Read more.
This page provides the lowest level of detail for transactions on a specific fund within a time period. Read more.
By Month
Shows spending and expense projections by month so users can monitor trends by expense type. It defaults to the last six months but users can choose any period. Read more.
Shows the history of who has been paid on all funds belonging to the selected faculty member. Read more.
Shows all projections, line by line, across all of the faculty member's funds. It includes a link to the APEX input form for projections across all funds managed by a PI. Read more.
Burn Rate
Displays the average monthly expense for a particular fund-dept-account combination for a specified time period. Read more.
HR Lookup
Allows those with access to search all HCM appointments for a given Employee ID, in order to help create projections for compensation expenses by person. Read more.
Includes exception reports showing funds with a current or projected deficit, and funds with Anticipated Funding. Read more.