Data sources and update schedule
As the name implies, the Undergraduate Applicants dashboard provides information about people that have applied for admission to undergraduate programs. The reports in this dashboard allow you to explore the undergraduate applicant pool and observe how our strategies create success in recruiting a strong and diverse student body.
Metrics in this dashboard
- Applied Headcount: Person that has applied for admission
- Admitted Headcount: Applicant that has been offered admission
- SIRed Headcount: Applicant that has been admitted and has submitted a statement of intent to register (also known as accepting their admission)
- Admit Rate: Number of students admitted divided by the number of students that applied
- Yield Rate: Number of students that submitted a statement of intent to register divided by the number of students admitted
The Overview report provides the number of applicants, the admit rate, and the yield rate for undergraduate first year and transfer applicants in the current and previous years. The current year data is added in October of the academic year.
UG Applicant Count
This report shows undergraduate headcounts of applicants, admits, and students who have submitted statements of intent to register, by academic year and term, applicant type, residency, college of application, and intended major. Graphs show admit and yield rates by college over time.
UG Apps with Multiple Fields
In this report, you can display undergraduate headcounts of applicants, admissions, and statements of intent to register, along with admit and yield rates, filtered by academic year, semester, and applicant type. The table can include any combination of several fields, including:
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Residency
- First generation college status
- College, division, department, and intended major
- Prior school type
- California high school API rank and California high school LCFF+ status
- Parent income range.
Academic Indicators – Applied, Academic Indicators – Admitted, Academic Indicators – SIRed
These reports show academic indicators including SAT and ACT scores as well as high school and transfer school GPAs by year and applied college in both table and graph formats.
Data Sources and Update Schedule
There are three snapshots of data in each academic year with the first snapshot taken in February, another in July, and the final snapshot in October.
- The February snapshot only includes applicant information.
- The July snapshot includes admit and SIR information to date.
- The October snapshot includes finalized data for the year’s admissions cycle.
The Planned Data Refresh Schedule on the left side of Cal Answers home page shows the months in which snapshots are created.
Latest Loaded Student Data shows the snapshot that was loaded for a specific term/year and the date the data became available. From the Cal Answers home page, select Subject Area / Student Data to reach this page.
Note about Undergraduate Applicants data
Cal Answers includes the most complete undergraduate applicant data that is currently available. Due to the nature of the application process, however, please keep in mind that this data is mostly self-reported and may occasionally contain missing or inconsistent data. Due to timing issues, the counts you see here may differ from those you see at other points during the application cycle.
Differences in Data
- A student may have submitted a statement of intent to register but not be enrolled at the time of the census. There are several reasons for this, but it usually means that they didn't enroll at UC Berkeley or deferred their enrollment to a later semester.
- A student’s derived residency may change between the time they apply and the time they enroll. This is sometimes due to students not really understanding what the residency definitions mean.