UG Apps by Multiple Fields Report




Multiple Fields: Ethnicity, First Generation, LCFF+ Flag

Sample Questions and Answers


Like UG Applicant Counts, UG Apps by Multiple Fields presents metrics for the applicant status (applied, admitted, SIRed) and other filters you select. This report allows you to present the data organized by multiple fields that you select.


You can filter by academic year, applicant status, semester, and applicant type.

Filters for UG Apps by Multiple Fields report 


The report presents the counts based on the filters selected, organized by College/School, Derived Residency, Gender, and Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc.

Report columns in UG Apps by Multiple Fields report

Customize the Report

  • Drill down on the links in the College/School column to see the Division. You can Include columns to see Department and Intended Major.
  • Right-click on a column heading to include or exclude a column, or move a column.
  • These are the columns that can be included. See Customize Reports in the Cal Answers Basic Navigation course to learn about including and excluding columns.

  Includable fields for UG Applicants by Multiple Fields report

Multiple Fields

In addition to the four columns of descriptive data and the one headcount metric, you can add metrics for admit rate and yield rate and ten different descriptive data columns. We describe the less intuitive columns below. The Wiki data dictionary has descriptions of all columns.


There are 16 unique values for self-reported ethnicity data for students. These values roll up into a nine-value summary and a four-value summary. See Ethnicity in Student Data Dashboards for a chart showing the values in each of the three columns:

  • Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc

  • Ucb Level2 Ethnic Rollup Desc

  • Short Ethnic Desc

First Generation

Two columns are available to identify first-generation college attendance. Use the column that aligns with your requestor’s definition of first generation. The source of this data is the parent education data reported on the application for admission.

  • Neither parent has attended college is Y when neither parent has attended a 2- or 4-year institution.
  • Neither parent has a 4-year college degree is Y when neither parent has a 4-year bachelor’s degree. This is the definition commonly used by UC’s Office of the President and UC Berkeley’s Office of Planning & Analysis.

LCFF+ Flag

A Y value in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) flag identifies high schools where more than 75% of enrolled students are eligible for free/reduced price lunch, are foster youth, and/or are English-language learners. These schools are eligible for supplemental funding under LCFF.

Sample Questions and Answers

Which intended major in Rausser College of Natural Resources had the highest number of first-year students admitted in 2020-21?

  1. Make the following selections in the Filters section and select Apply:
  • Academic Year: 2020-21
  • Applicant Status: Admitted
  • Applicant Type: New Freshmen
  • UG Apps by Multiple Fields filters with 2020-21, Admitted, and New Freshmen selected

  • The report includes columns for College/School, Derived Residency, Gender, and Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc. Add the Intended Major column by right-clicking on any column, selecting Include column, and selecting Intended Major.
  • Exclude all of the other columns except College/School.
  • The report shows all colleges/schools but we are only interested in the College of Natural Resources. To isolate that college, you can move the College/School column to Prompts. Right-click on the column heading, select Move Column / To Prompts.
  • Select Rausser Clg Natural Resources from the drop-down list above the report.
  • Sort the Admitted column in descending order by clicking the down arrow next to the 2020-21 heading so you can easily see that Environmental Sciences is the major with the highest number of applicants admitted.

     UG Apps by Multiple Fields report with College/School in Prompts with Intended Major in report sorted in descending order

  • To see the data for 2021-22, go to the Filters section and select 2021-22 in the Academic Year drop-down. Click Apply.
  • Sort the 2021-22 column to see the top major for that year.
  • In 2020-21, how does the admit rate of transfer students who are first-generation college compare with the admit rate of other transfer students?

    1. Make the following selections in the Filters section and select Apply:
      • Academic Year: 2020-21
      • Applicant Status: Admitted
      • Applicant Type: New Freshmen
    2. The report includes columns for College/School, Derived Residency, Gender, and Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc. Add the Neither Parent has 4 Year College Degree column by right-clicking on any column, selecting Include column, and selecting Neither Parent has 4 Year College Degree. 
    3. Add the Admit Rate column by right-clicking on any column, selecting Include column, and selecting Admit Rate.

    4. Exclude all of the other columns.

      Observation: consider derived residency when looking at first generation. There is a much higher rate of admission for California resident first generation students than for international students.