Access the Dashboard

Access the Dashboard

Once you are logged in to Cal Answers, you can find the Gift Accumulation dashboard in the Finance section of the Financial Dashboards.

Gift Accumulation dashboard highlighted in Finance subject area

If you have access to multiple Tableau sites, you may see a menu in which you will need to select the FPA site.

Tableau sites

Dashboard Layout and Navigation

The dashboard opens with the Initial Inputs window where you must select an organization. You cannot run this report for all of campus.

You may select Optional Filters in this window now or later on the reports. Optional Filters show only when you first select an organization. Then you can select a button at the bottom of the window:

  • Apply saves the selections you have made and keeps the Initial Inputs window open for you to make additional selections or changes to the existing selections. You must select Apply to save your selections before going to the summary or detail report. You can go to the summary or detail report once the blue wheel stops spinning. 

  • Summary Report takes you to the Fund Accumulation and Purpose report

  • Detail Report takes you to the Gift Fund Detail report

Gift Fund Accumulation dashboard Initial Inputs

In addition to the buttons, you can use the tabs in the upper left corner to toggle between the inputs and report pages.

dashboard tabs


  • Be sure to use the buttons to navigate through the initial inputs and reports. Using the browser Back button will close the dashboard and your selections will not be saved.
  • When you select one of the Optional Filters, you need to unselect the previously selected value first (All) and then select your desired value.
  • The Apply button does not show when you load the dashboard initially. You need to select an organization first then the label shows. This is because the selection of the organization loads the ensuing values in the Optional Filters, which then loads the Apply button.
  • The Apply button does not show when there is no data for the combination of organization and additional optional filters selected.
  • You can go straight to the summary or detail report without selecting Apply, but the results will not include the Optional Filters you have selected.

Data Refresh Schedule

For most current data as of the previous business day, run the report after 9 am.

Fund Accumulation and Purpose Report