Student Demographics & Outcomes

Does the Summer term lead or trail in the academic calendar?

The Summer term leads in the UC Berkeley academic calendar. Note that the Financial Aid Year treats Summer as a trailing term, however.


Cal Answers Latest Student Demographics & Outcomes Data Load, 12.21.17

December 22, 2017
Cal Answers Student Demographics and Outcomes latest data loads Graduation Rates, Multiple Entry Cohorts, loaded 12/21/17 Degrees Earned and Time to Degree, Summer 2017, loaded 12/13/17

You can review earlier loads on the Student Data Loads page.

New College Academic Reporting Hierarchy

February 6, 2024

UC Berkeley's newest college, the College of Computing, Data Science, & Society (CDSS), now appears in Cal Answers student reports, such as the Census dashboard. CDSS consists of:

Computational Precision Health Computational Biology (moved from the College of Engineering) Data Science Undergraduate Studies (moved from the College of Letters & Science, where it was called L&S Data Science) CDSS Computer Science (moved from the College of Letters & Science, where it was called L&S Computer Science) Statistics (moved from the College of Letters & Science)

As is...

Can I find retention rates for the College of Chemistry in Cal Answers for both Freshman and Transfer students?

Yes, from the Student Demographics and Outcomes subject area navigate to the Graduation, Retention & Time to Degree dashboard and choose either the UG Retention or UG Retention by Multiple Fields tab to pull the latest retention rates (1-yr, 2-yr, 3-yr, etc.) for freshmen and transfers who entered in the College of Chemistry.


Available Data

Cal Answers Student Data Dashboards Map

Student Data dashboards provide Cal Answers users with the ability to view and analyze student data in order to answer questions and improve decision making. The student data dashboards currently available in Cal Answers...

How do I select multiple filter values in the dashboard prompts at the same time?

Single vs. Multi-Select

Prompts with a checkmark allow you to select one value.

Prompts with checkboxes allow you to select multiple values.

select multiple items

Enter Multiple Codes or Numeric Values

When you want to select multiple numeric values and you know the codes, it isn’t necessary to select them from a drop-down list. You can type or paste them into the prompt separated...

Which student data dashboards and reports include Graduate student data?

Most of the student dashboards include Graduate student data. These dashboards in the Student Demographics & Outcomes subject area do not include Graduate Student data:

Graduation, Retention and Time to Degree Multiple Majors

Check out the Cal Answers Student Data Subject Areas, Dashboards & Filters Map job aid. Reports with an * include undergraduate data only. All other reports include both Graduate or Undergraduate student data.

Student Demographics and Outcomes

Learning resources


Student Demographics and Outcomes reporting incorporates data for both registered students and awarded degrees. This data helps staff understand the composition and academic behaviors of our student body, as well as examine outcomes, such as retention and graduation, for different groups. Cal Answers allows integration of student demographics and outcomes data with a variety of other data sources,...

Where can I find report documentation and data dictionaries for each of the student data subject areas?

The Overview tab of each dashboard has links to wiki documentation that explains the dashboard reports and a data dictionary that explains the columns used in the prompts and reports.