Teaching Activity by Instructor Type Report

Teaching Activity by Instructor Type Report

The Teaching Activity by Instructor Type report generates data that you can use to determine the number of student credit hours being delivered by instructor title type and individual instructors. 

Select Prompts

Teaching Activity dashboard, By Instructor Type prompts

  1. Academic Yr defaults to the prior year.
  2. Be sure to uncheck any selections in the second column of prompts where you drill down in detail from College/School all the way to course. This filter is applied to the default report to manage performance by limiting the number of rows returned by the query. You will likely need to change the College/School and other prompts in that column for your query.
  3. You can select the Year & Semester if you wish. Note that data will not be available for a semester until the semester has completed.
  4. Snapshot is a required prompt; it defaults to end of term (EOT). There are no other values to select.
  5. Make selections from other prompts if you wish and then click Apply to generate the report.

Review Report Results

Teaching Activity dashboard, By Instructor Type report

  • The report shows the distribution of enrollment and student credit hours for each semester selected organized by College/School, Division, Department, and Job Census Hierarchy (Level 1).
  • The default report view shows the distribution by count. If you prefer to see the data distributed by percentage, select that from the report view drop-down list at the top of the report.

Teaching Activity dashboard, By Instructor Type report views

About Student Credit Hours

The enrollments and Student Credit Hours (SCH) in this dashboard are calculated by the listing department, which is largely used for enrollment planning. To see the enrollments and SCH by credited department, use the Departmental Workload dashboard, which prorates roomshared and crosslisted courses, and gives the instructor's pay department credit irrespective of where the course is taught. For full details on the distinction between the calculations for listing and credited department, see Rules for Assignment of Teaching Credit.


Click on a linked column heading to expand that column for more details.
Teaching Activity dashboard, By Instructor Type drill-across

  • Course: Crs Academic Dept Short Nm expands into Course Subject Short Nm and Course Number.
  • Job Description: Level1 Job Census Hier Desc expands into Level2 Job Census Hier Desc, Level3 Job Census Hier Desc, and Employee Job Desc.

Instructor List by Course Report