Instructor List by Course Report

Instructor List by Course Report

The Instructor List by Course report shows courses organized by College/School, Division, Department, Course, Instructional Format, Instructor Name, Instructor Home Department, Instructor Function, and Job Code for each of the semesters you selected in the prompts.

You can select prorated instructor enrollment count or prorated student credit hours for the metric in this report.


Teaching Activity dashboard, Instructor List by Course prompts


  • Be sure to uncheck any selections in the third column of prompts where you drill down in detail from College/School all the way to course. This filter is applied to the default report to manage performance by limiting the number of rows returned by the query. Change prompts in this column as needed.
  • Select Academic Yr or years.
  • Snapshot is a required prompt; it defaults to end of term (EOT). There are no other values to select.

Frequently Used

  • You can select the Year & Semester if you wish. Note that data will not be available for a semester until the semester has completed.
  • From the second column of prompts, you can select any level of job hierarchy detail all the way to a specific job description.
  • From the third column of prompts, you can select any level of detail from College/School all the way to a specific course.
  • Make selections from other prompts if you wish and then click Apply to generate the report.

Report Metric

The default metric for this report is a count of enrollments (Prorated Instr Enrollment Cnt). To report on student credit hours, go to the prompts and change the selection for Metric to Prorated Instr SCH Nbr.

Teaching Activity dashboard, Instructor List by Course metrics   


You can change the sort order of a column and include and exclude columns to meet your data requirements.

Teaching Activity dashboard, Instructor List by Course report

Course List by Instructor Report