Weekly Enrollment Management Dashboard

Available Data

Cal Answers Student Data Dashboards Map

Student Data dashboards provide Cal Answers users with the ability to view and analyze student data in order to answer questions and improve decision making. The student data dashboards currently available in Cal Answers...

Which student data dashboards and reports include Graduate student data?

Most of the student dashboards include Graduate student data. These dashboards in the Student Demographics & Outcomes subject area do not include Graduate Student data:

Graduation, Retention and Time to Degree Multiple Majors

Check out the Cal Answers Student Data Subject Areas, Dashboards & Filters Map job aid. Reports with an * include undergraduate data only. All other reports include both Graduate or Undergraduate student data.

Data Love! February CoP Friday, 02.08.19 Academic Planning Dashboard and Cal Answers Upgrade

February 6, 2019

data love

What's not to love about data and February?

February 2019 CoP session

Come learn more at the new Divisional level Academic Planning Dashboard presented by Malcolm Quon, Institutional Research Analyst with the...

How do I work with the Snapshot weeks (- and +) in the filter section of the Weekly Enrollment Dashboard ?

Weekly snapshots range from Week -30 to Week +18. These refer to the weeks leading up to the start of the semester and through to the end of the semester. Week 0 contains the official start day of the semester, and Week +01 contains the first day of instruction. Weekly snapshots are taken on Saturday morning of every week during the year.

We have additional resources available if you would like to learn more:
