Teaching Activity in Your Unit
The Teaching Activity dashboard has the data you need to answer a range of questions such as:
- How many student credit hours are being delivered by title type?
- Who is teaching courses in a subject area/major?
- What classes did an instructor teach during a specific period of time?
Each of these questions can be answered by a different report in the Teaching Activity dashboard.
Question | Report |
How many student credit hours are being delivered by title type? | Teaching Activity by Instructor Type |
Who is teaching courses in a subject area/major? | Instructor List by Course |
What classes did an instructor teach during a specified period of time? | Course List by Instructor |
Open the Teaching Activity Dashboard
- Log in to Cal Answers.
- From the Cal Answers home page, in the Student Data Dashboards section, click the + to the right of Student Curriculum to expand the subject area and display the dashboards.
- Click the Teaching Activity dashboard link to open the dashboard.