Cal Answers HR Community,
We're making some updates to streamline the Workforce Detail dashboard and ensure it runs properly. The Workforce Detail dashboard currently has too many columns, putting it at risk for running slowly or not loading correctly. The Job Data and Compensation Data tabs are at almost 80 columns, and the Job Funding tabs are at almost 120 columns. To minimize this risk, we are removing almost half of the columns to make it a leaner dashboard.
We are removing mostly columns in the Compensation Data and Job Funding tabs, and you can still find most of them in the Job Data tab and in the ad hoc areas. We are also removing a handful of columns in the Position Management
dashboard to be consistent with the
Workforce Detail dashboard removals. You can view a list of the columns
being removed in
this linked spreadsheet.
If you have bookmark links and saved customizations in the Workforce Detail dashboard, and/or XMLs and saved analyses in the Workforce Detail ad hoc areas, these may be impacted by the update.
Recommended actions by 5/13
Dashboard bookmark links and saved customizations
If you have links and customizations that have a customized column layout involving one or more of the columns being removed or are filtered on the UCPath Earn Code prompt in the Compensation Data tabs, you'll need to document these links and customizations. After we go live with the column removals, you may need to recreate the impacted links and customizations with alternative columns. If all you did was set prompt values but kept the column layout as-is, you do not need to take any further actions. Review instructions on how to print and export saved customizations.
Ad hoc XMLs and saved analyses
You do not need to document your XMLs and saved analyses. However, you will see an error message upon running them if any of them have one of these removed fields as a column or filter. To resolve the error, you will just need to remove that column or filter.