Cal Answers upgrade Friday, February 8

January 15, 2019
Cal Answers Community,
We're implementing upgrades to the Cal Answers system. The Cal Answers upgrade will go live on Friday, February 8 and will improve the user experience by providing the ability to copy data directly out of Cal Answers reports and enabling users to create and reuse custom columns.
Cal Answers upgrade Friday, February 8
The changes in this upgrade include:
  • Compatible with more browsers with security improvements
  • Cosmetic improvements, more chart options, ability to sort data in graphs
  • Ability to copy data from results (e.g. copy a journal ID from results and paste into another query or into an email)
  • Ability to reuse custom columns
Please visit the Cal Answers website for an overview of the changes that will take place in the upgrade.
Recommended actions related to the upgrade
  • All users: After the upgrade on February 8, you will need to create new bookmark links. Visit the Cal Answers website for instructions on how to recreate your bookmark links.
  • Finance users: Document your saved customizations because you will need to recreate them after the February 8 upgrade. Visit the Cal Answers website for instructions on how to print, export, and recreate your saved customizations.
  • Ad Hoc users: Save your new ad hoc queries in Cal Answers by Wednesday, January 23 if you want them to remain available after the upgrade.
Attend Cal Answers Financials office hours January - March
Just a reminder for our Cal Answers Financial users; we're continuing our office hours through March, to help answer your questions about pulling data from Cal Answers without using BAIRS. Sign up for a 30 minute slot and bring your laptop and your questions. Please email us a link to the BAIRS report you're trying to recreate or a PDF of the report at two days before your appointment.
Attend the Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice
The Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice (CoP) provides an opportunity for Cal Answers Student Data users to meet with peers and discuss how to leverage Cal Answers for analysis and reporting. The CoP meets on the second Friday of each month at 1:00 pm in Doe Library, room 308A.
If you have questions about using Cal Answers, please contact the Cal Answers Help Desk at 664-9000 (option 1, then option 2) or
Thank you,
Cal Answers Team
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance