Financial Aid Award Details Report

Financial Award Details Report

This report is a single chart with multiple metrics organized by award source, award category, and award type description. Metrics include:

  • Award Paid Amt
  • Award Paid Dist %
  • Count – Awarded Students
  • Average Award Paid Amt

Financial Aid Awards Details – Key Questions Answered

  • How many Berkeley students received a particular type of award (e.g., Pell Grant)?
  • How have the number of recipients and average award amounts changed from year to year?
  • What proportion of total aid received by students is from a particular type of award (e.g., Cal Grant vs. Federal Loans)?

Sample Questions and Answers

For undergraduate transfer students who entered in Fall 2021, what % of aid dollars paid came from Federal Pell grants?

Make the following selections from the Common Filters and then select Apply:

  • Financial Aid Yr: 2021-22
  • Semester Nm: Fall
  • Undergrad/Grad: Undergraduate
  • Registration Elig Status: New
  • Entry Status: Advanced Standing

Common Filters with 2021-22 selected for Financial Aid Yr, Fall for Semester, New for Registration Elig Status, and Advanced Standing for Entry Status

 The Financial Aid Details chart shows 9.9% Award Paid Dist for 2021-22 for Pell Grants.

Financial Aid Details chart with 9.9% circled for Award Type Desc of Pell Grant and Award Paid Dist % for 2021-22

How does this % compare to prior years?

In the Common Filters, update the Financial Aid Yr filter to include 2018-19, 2019-20, and 2020-21.

Now you can see the trend for 2018-19 through 2021-22. The Award Paid Dist % for Pell Grants for this population is lower in 2021-22 than prior years.

Financial Aid Details chart with Award Paid Dist % amounts circled for Pell Grant Award Type for 2018-19 through 2021-22

If there is a change, what might account for the change?

Impact of emergency relief funding