Chartfield Lookup

The Chartfield Lookup dashboard allows you to look up information about each chartfield and understand how it is grouped. It includes tabs for Account, Fund, Organization, Program, Chartfield 1, Chartfield 2, Speedtype, and PC (Project Costing) Mapping. This will be relevant to financial analysts, research administrators, and department managers as they review how accounts, funds, and departments are related, manage chartfields, and track speedtypes and project costing codes.

Chartfield Lookup Tabs

Use the data dictionary to look up any of the filters and/or fields in these reports. 


This tab displays the hierarchy categorizations of all account codes used across the various account trees. This report helps you answer the questions "What account codes belong in Account Group/Category/Subcategory x?" and "What Account Group/Category/Subcategory does account code x belong to?". The Account Group, Account Category, and Account Subcategory values correspond to the values used in the Finance dashboards. 


This tab provides a lookup of the fund levels for the major trees in use for all active and inactive fund codes. This report helps you answer the questions "What fund codes belong in fund level x?" and "What fund level does fund code x belong to?". The fund level values in the BFS view correspond to the BFS Fund Level2/3/4 values used in the Finance dashboard reports. The fund level 4 and 5 values in the CalPlan view correspond to the Fund Type and Fund Group values used in the dashboards. 


This tab displays the hierarchy categorizations of all active and inactive dept IDs. This report helps you answer the questions "What dept IDs roll up into Org Level x?" and "What Org Level does dept ID x roll up under?". The Org Level values correspond to the Org Level 2/3/4/5/6 values used in the Finance dashboard reports. 


This tab displays the descriptions of program codes.

Chartfield 1

This tab displays the descriptive attributes of all active and inactive Chartfield 1s. This report helps you answer the questions "What is this Chartfield 1 used for" and "Who owns or manages this Chartfield 1?" 

Chartfield 2

This tab displays the descriptions of all Chartfield 2s. This report helps you answer the question "For what purpose is this Chartfield 2 used?"


This tab displays the descriptions and chartstrings of all Speedtype Keys, or the shorthand codes created by units for frequently charged items. This report helps you answer the questions "What is the chartstring for this Speedtype Key?" and "For which charges should I use this Speedtype Key?"

PC Mapping

This tab displays the chartstrings and descriptions associated with the project costing (PC) chartfields. This report helps you answer the questions "What chartstring is used for this project?" and "What is the description of this project?" C&G Managers and Research Administrators will find this lookup most useful.

Training Materials

  • Webinars: View recorded webinar for Multi-Year Reporting and Chartfield Lookup dashboards. 
  • Cal Answers training page: Provides resources for those new to Cal Answers, including job aids, videos, and registration links for upcoming classes.
  • Cal Answers Financials Basic Navigation: Sign up for a class to learn how to navigate the Cal Answers Financials General Ledger subject areas and to access, format and print your data tables.