Cal Answers is now available with Student Data from SIS

June 6, 2016

Cal Answers Community,

Cal Answers is now available with student data pulled from the SIS Campus Solutions database. The change in the source of the data should not greatly impact your work; however, there are a few changes Student Data dashboard users should be aware of. 

Cal Answers Student Data Dashboards Users

If you use the Cal Answers Student Data dashboards, please review the information below and take the following actions to ensure you're retrieving correct data about your unit.

What's new:

  • Field Value Changes: Some values have been changed, renamed, or replaced. For example the major name for Chemistry in Letters and Science has changed from "Chemistry" to "L&S Chemistry" and the Residency Status Desc field is changing from "CA Resident' to "Resident."
  • Academic Hierarchy Changes: To align with campus organizational changes, some academic units have been re-organized so that they appear within the unit they now belong. For example, Cognitive Science now falls under the Social Sciences Division. Note that all historical data has moved with its new unit to facilitate trend analysis.

For more information and recommended action for Student Data users, visit the Cal Answers/SIS web page.

Thank you,
The Cal Answers Team

Office of the CFO