Cal Answers HR Workforce Detail dashboard updated / new employee ID crosswalk

May 2, 2019

Cal Answers HR Community,

As part of the UCPath conversion, we updated the Cal Answers HR Workforce Detail dashboard and we are pleased to announce it is now live with data from UCPath. The HR Workforce Detail dashboard you have been using has now been renamed to Legacy Workforce Detail dashboard, and has pre-UCPath data through March 8, 2019. Additionally we've released a new Employee Crosswalk dashboard, which will allow you to search legacy employee identification numbers to find UCPath employee identification numbers.

Release timeline for dashboards affected by UCPath

We're working to re-release the affected Cal Answers reports with data from UCPath and have posted the working draft of our timeline on the Cal Answers website.

HR Workforce Detail dashboard - with UCPath data

The key change with this first release is that the data is coming into the HR Workforce Detail dashboard from UCPath, so you'll notice the fields are slightly different because UCPath categorizes data differently. For example, in the legacy dashboard, you'll still find "Appt Start Date" and "Supervisor" fields but in the new dashboard, these no longer exist. Check the crosswalk in the wiki data dictionary to review a list of which fields are different in the new dashboard. You can search both the new UCPath data as well as legacy data in the new dashboard. The job earnings distribution data and termination and org change data will be updated and included in this dashboard in future releases.

Employee Crosswalk dashboard

Another major change is that employee identification numbers (IDs) listed in the new dashboard are the post UCPath employee IDs. That's why we simultaneously released the Employee Crosswalk dashboard so you can compare the legacy employee IDs with the new ones.

Training resources

  • HR Workforce Detail Wiki: The wiki for Workforce Detail has been updated with definitions of the terms used in the new dashboards and an overview of the new reporting tabs.
  • HR Workforce Detail and Employee Crosswalk Job Aids: The job aids for the new dashboards are available on the HR Reporting page.
  • In-Person Training: The Cal Answers team is offering two demos on May 22 and 29. Please visit the training page to learn more and sign up. We'll also post a recorded webinar to the Cal Answers website afterwards.

Access to the new dashboards

If you have access to the Legacy Workforce Detail dashboard, you have access to both the new dashboards and do not need to take any action. If you did not have access and would like to request it, please follow the instructions in the"Campus Workforce Planning (HR) Dashboards and Ad Hoc Access" section on the Access page.

Recommended actions related to the go-live

Now that the new dashboards are live, you will need to recreate your bookmark links and saved customizations in the Legacy Workforce Detail dashboard. Visit the Cal Answers website for instructions on how to recreate them.

Questions and feedback

If you have questions about using Cal Answers, please contact the Cal Answers Help Desk at 510-664-9000 (option 1, then option 2) or email

Thank you,

Cal Answers Team
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance