Degree Equity Comparison Report

Degree Equity Comparison is an interactive report developed for Equity and Inclusion analysts. It displays degree counts by academic year, degree level, campus unit, gender, and ethnicity, for both a selected unit and the overall campus for comparison.


Use the prompts to filter data by Academic Year, College/School, Department, Entry Status, Degree Level, Division, and/or Major.

Degree Equity Comparison report prompts 

Data Views

Because some recipients are awarded more than one degree, this report allows you to display either degree recipient headcounts or degrees awarded prorated for double/triple majors. You can display the data as either values or percentages. See Degrees Earned Dashboard for a description of how proration works in this dashboard.

Sample Question and Answer

How does the percentage of students that received Bachelor’s degrees from the School of Engineering in 2022-23 compare to the campus as a whole when viewed by ethnicity?

Select the following filters and Apply:

  • Academic Year: 2022-23
  • College/School: Clg of Engineering
  • Degree Level: Bachelor

 Degree Equity Comparison prompts with 2022-23, Clg of Engineering, and Bachelor selected

Because we are interested in percentages rather than actual headcounts, we need to select % Headcount Degree Recipients Table from the Select Data View drop-down list. Make this change in both reports.

 Degree Equity Comparison report with % Headcount Degree Recipients Table selected for data view

To make it easier to see the summarized ethnicity data, remove the Gender column from each report. Right-click on the Gender column heading and select Exclude column from the context sensitive menu.

Context sensitive menu with Gender and Exclude column highlighted 

How does the percentage of women students that received Bachelor’s degrees from the School of Engineering in 2022-23 compare to the campus as a whole?

To see data by Gender, we need to add the Gender column to the report. Right-click on the Ethnicity column and select Include column / Gender from the context sensitive menu. Repeat for the second report.

Context sensitive menu with Ethnicity, Include column, and Gender Desc highlighted

To make it easier to see the summarized Gender data, remove the Ethnicity column from each report. Right-click on the Ethnicity column heading and select Exclude column from the context sensitive menu.