Student Curriculum

Fall 2019 Student Census Now Available

October 7, 2019

Student census data for Fall 2019 is now available in Cal Answers dashboards and subject areas.

December Community of Practice - Data for Grant Writing, 12.14.18

December 6, 2018

Join us for the December Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice session on using data in support of grant writing.

Christopher Hunn, Director of Undergraduate Instruction, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the College of Engineering and Andrew Eppig, Institutional Research Analyst from the Office of Equity & Inclusion will share their experiences using data in support of grant writing. ...

Major Pipeline Analysis, part 2 of 2, September CoP Session Friday, 9.14.18 @ 1 pm

September 10, 2018
Pipeline Analysis, part 2 of 2 this Friday, September 14, 2018, @ 1:00 pm in Doe Library, room 308A

Pipeline Analysis, part 2 of 2

Come out to learn about the basics of analyzing the Major migration of our students from our...

Spring 2018 Student End of Term Data Now Available

August 2, 2018

The Spring 2018 End of Term (EOT) snapshot is now available in the Cal Answers Student Curriculum subject areas and relevant dashboards and also in the Ad Hoc Analysis->Students Registered subject areas. The End of Term (EOT) snapshot occurs approximately 8-9 weeks after the last day of the semester.

Student Curriculum example


Join the Student Data Community of Practice

July 5, 2018
Are you a current user of the Cal Answers student data dashboards? Would you like to build your analysis skills and collaborate with like-minded data stewards on campus?

Register to be a member of the growing Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice participating in monthly campus-wide Community of Practice collaborative working sessions where you can

share best practices via peer‐to‐peer learning inform improvements to processes, procedures, tools, and training materials solve challenging problems create...

Now Enrolling! 2 Cal Answers Basic Navigation Training Session in May

April 24, 2018
Want to learn how to navigate the Cal Answers student data subject areas to access, format and print your data tables? Student Data* Basic Navigation Training


Our Berkeley @ April Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice

April 9, 2018

Our Berkeley, telling the Berkeley story with data

Friday, April 13, 2018
1:00 - 2:00 pm
University Hall, room 150

Come out for a live demo of Our Berkeley, a website of public-facing, interactive data visualizations and narratives on the major dimensions of our university with comparisons to peer institutions as benchmarks. Office of Planning and Analysis’ Institutional Research Analyst, Noam Manor and Data Visualization and...

November Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice on 11.08.17

November 2, 2017

Do you currently use Cal Answers Student Data to answer questions on course enrollments, teaching activity, student credit hours, numbers of degrees earned and retention rates?

If so, come out to the Cal Answers Student Data Community of Practice on Wednesday, November 8, 2017. Join your data enthusiast peers, thought leaders, and student data subject matter experts as we discuss answers to your campus student data questions.

The CoP meets on the second Wednesday of each month with our November session on: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 11:00...

Where can I see what Majors are taking my courses?

You can use the Student Curriculum -> Students & Courses dashboard -> Majors in Courses report to see Course Enrollment counts grouped my major for the filtered College/School, Division, Department, Course Subject, Course and/or Course Section.