Basic Navigation Financials - Exercise 1

1. In your browser, go to

2. Click the link to Log in to Cal Answers

 Cal Answers home page with log in highlighted

3. To expand the Financial Dashboards section, you can click the Finance hyperlink or the + symbol

Home page with Finance subject area highlighted 

4. Click the General Ledger Reporting hyperlink

5. Review the list of reports on the page. Note that the same report names are shown in the tabs at the top of the page. The Overview tab for every dashboard is presented in this same manner.

Click the Finance wiki hyperlink just below the Cal Answers General Ledger Reporting Dashboard

6. Click the hyperlink for General Ledger Reporting

7. Click the hyperlink for When to Use Financial Management v. General Ledger v. Multi-Year Reporting Dashboards and review the differences between the dashboards. What are two things found in General Ledger and Multi Year Reporting that aren’t available in Financial Management Reporting? You can close this tab when you are finished reading

8. Return to the Cal Answers BI Interactive Dashboard tab and click the hyperlink to go to the General Ledger Summary report

9. Notice the selections for the 3 required prompts:

  • Fiscal Yr
  • Accounting Period(s)
  • Account Tree

   Use the drop-down to select your Org Level3

10. Open the drop-down for Org Level4 and notice that only the Departments in your Division are listed

11. Click the Apply button in the bottom right corner of the Dashboard Prompts section. You may need to scroll to the right to see it.

12. You decide to further limit the rows in the report to include only General Funds. Unfortunately you cannot remember the fund number so you need to search for it. Open the drop-down list for Fund – Desc and click More/Search . . . at the bottom to open the Select Values dialog box.

  •  Ensure that Contains is selected in the Name drop-down list
  • Type general in the text box
  • Ensure that the Match Case box is unchecked
  • Click Search

Search dialog box with Name contains and Match Case unchecked 

13. Click on 19900 – GENERAL FUNDS to select it

  • Click > to move it to the Selected Pane
  • Click OK

14. Click the Apply button in the bottom right corner of the Dashboard Prompts section to apply filters and regenerate the report

15. This is a report you’ll likely be using again and again. To make it easy to get to this report, click the Favorites menu at the top right corner of the window and select Add to Favorites.

Favorites menu with Add to Favorites highlighted 

16. Review the report and notice that the Fund column only has entries for 19900 – GENERAL FUNDS

17. Now we’ll explore the General Ledger Detail report.

      Click the General Ledger Detail hyperlink at the top of the window

18. Review the Dashboard Prompts. Notice that the Org Level3 and Fund – Desc selections you made are present. The Fiscal Yr, Accounting Period and Business Unit also carry over.

19. Imagine that you are looking for a transaction that occurred in the last month. In the General Ledger Detail Prompts section, select Is Greater Than from the Document Date comparison drop-down list. Then enter the date that was one month ago in the text box.

General Ledger Detail prompts 

20. Click Apply in the bottom right of the General Ledger Detail Prompts section

21. Review the report

Return to the course: Display Reports