Basic Navigation Student Data - Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Generate a Report

In this exercise, you will:

  • Log in to Cal Answers
  • Select a dashboard and a report
  • Select a prompt and run a report
  • Create a Favorite for the report


1. In your browser, go to

2. Click the link to Log in to Cal Answers

Cal Answers home page with log in highlighted

3. Scroll down through the subject areas until you reach Student Data Dashboards. To expand the Student Demographics and Outcomes subject area, you can click the Student Demographics and Outcomes link or the + symbol.

Student Data Dashboards on home screen

4. Click the Census link

5. In the second paragraph of the Overview tab, click the Student Demographics & Outcomes link. 

6. Read the Report Documentation and Notes and Known Issues pages and then close the Wiki tab.

7. Go to the Census by Multiple Fields reports. Click the report tab at the top of the dashboard. Or you can click the link in the Overview page. 

8. Select a College or School from the drop-down list. 

College/School drop-down list

9. In the Division drop-down list, select a division. If divisions are grayed out, uncheck (All Column Values) to make the divisions active.

Division drop-down list

Note: If you try to select a Division before selecting a College/School, divisions from all schools and colleges will be presented; select a College/School first to shorten the list.

10. Select Department and Major if you wish. If no selections are made, your results will include all departments and all majors within the College/School and Division selected in the previous steps.

11. Click the Apply button to generate the results.

12. Notice that the first column of the results is the Student Level (Undergrad/Grad) from the prompts. You may define the next 4 columns using the Select Field drop-down lists at the top of the results pane.

13. Below the field selection drop-down lists, you can select a Data View. Select a different data view and observe the results. Then try out another data view.

14. At the bottom of the report, notice that only the first 25 rows are presented. Click the blue double-headed arrow to present all rows in the results set.

Display buttons below report with Display All Rows highlighted

15. This is a report you’ll likely be using again and again. To make it easy to get to this report, click the Favorites menu at the top right corner of the window and select Add to Favorites.

Favorites menu with Add to Favorites highlighted

16. You’re curious about exploring academic plan data such as major and degree objective, so click the Academic Plan Counts tab at the top of the dashboard.

17. Notice that this report allows for an End of Term (EOT) snapshot selection in addition to the default Census (CEN) snapshot option. Select the filters you are interested in and click Apply.

Return to the course: Display Reports