Census by Multiple Fields Report
The Census by Multiple Fields report allows us to slice our census data by multiple demographic factors and campus units. You can choose to display either headcounts or counts prorated for multiple majors.
Use the prompts to filter your report by year and semester, undergrad/grad, college/school, division, department, and major.
Select Report Fields
This report is initially populated with four columns, three for ethnicity and one for gender, in addition to the Student Level field that's always included. When you generate the report, you can select any of the fields with demographic information in the drop-down list.
In addition to ethnicity and gender, you can select any of these columns. We describe the frequently used and less intuitive columns here. The Wiki data dictionary has descriptions of all columns.
- There are 16 unique values for self-reported ethnicity data for students. These values roll up into a nine-value summary and a four-value summary. See Ethnicity in Student Data Dashboards for a chart showing the values in each of the three columns: Ucb Level1 Ethnic Rollup Desc, Ucb Level2 Ethnic Rollup Desc, and Short Ethnic Desc.
- Gender
- Entry Status Desc: for undergrads, choices include new freshman and advanced standing for transfer students
- Educ Level Cd is based on units completed. It includes units earned from testing as well as course completions.
- Educ Non Exam Level Cd is now based on the number of Fall/Spring terms in which a student has enrolled.
- Derived Residency Desc is where students are from; it does not determine fees.
- Residency Fee Desc shows a student's tuition residency value. For tuition purposes, a student may be considered a California resident or a nonresident. A student may also have a Pending value in this field if they are in the process of determining residency, or an Unknown/blank value if they are in a program that doesn't need to determine residency for tuition purposes.
Customize the Report
You can include additional columns as desired and exclude columns as well to suit your reporting needs. See the Student Demographics Report Data Dictionary for definitions of the fields in the prompts and report. See the Customize Reports chapter in the Cal Answers Basic Navigation course for instructions on including, excluding, moving and sorting columns.
Data Views
There are six data views that allow you to view the data by count or percentage. You can use actual counts or prorated counts.
- Headcount Table counts a student in each major so a double-major will count as two, a triple-major as three, and so forth.
- Prorated Table counts each major as a fraction where the sum of all majors for a student equals 1.00, so a double-major will count each major as 0.5, a triple-major counts each major as 0.33, and so forth.
Sample Questions and Answers
How many new undergraduate students paid California resident tuition in Fall 2020?
Select the following prompts and Apply:
- Year & Semester: 2020 Fall
- Undergrad/Grad: U
The report has four columns, but we only need two columns to get our answer: Residency Fee Desc and Gender Desc. To simplify the report, we can select Residency Fee Desc for fields 1, 2, and 3, and select Registrn Elig Status Desc for field 4. Now we can easily see that there are 6,631 new undergraduate students that paid California resident tuition in Fall 2020.
Another way to simplify the report is to move the Residency Fee Desc and Registrn Elig Status Desc columns to prompts, so we can select a single value in each of these fields.