
The Visualization report exists in Our Berkeley, not in Cal Answers. The visualization is an interactive matrix that explores the clustering and co-occurrence of multiple major combinations. 

When you click on the image in this report, a new browser tab opens to the Office of Planning and Analysis website, where the visualization lives.

You can select the navigation boxes or arrows that appear at the top of each page to move through the dashboard.

Multiple Majors Co-Occurrence Matrix

The Multiple Majors Co-Occurrence Matrix explores the most frequent co-occurring majors for undergraduate students.

  • Larger circles indicate more co-occurrences.

  • Yellow circles are used when the majors are in the same division; blue indicates different divisions.

  • You can select an Academic Term, Minimum Co-Occurrence Frequency, and Same or Different Division to see different results.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the report to download the data and to see the data sources and methodology.

Co-Occurrences by Major

Students choose majors in a variety of combinations. In this report, you choose a major and explore all of the other majors that have co-occurred with it over time.

Explore the data by selecting an Academic Term, Major1, and Same or Different Division.

Top Multiple Majors Over Time

This chart ranks majors with the most multiple majors over time.  Explore the data by selecting a semester and the number of rankings displayed.  You can also highlight a particular major.

Compare Multiple Majors by Demographics

This chart lets you compare the percentages of single and multiple majors over time within two divisions, departments, or majors.  You can further limit the results by entry status, gender identity, or ethnicity.