Burn Rate

Burn Rate Tab

The Burn Rate page displays the average monthly expense for a particular fund-dept-account combination for a specified time period. Burn rate is the average amount I spend each month on Non-Compensation. This report makes it easier to create projections for Non-Compensation expenses by category. Use the “Burn Rate” report (calculates average expenses) to help create projections.

This page will primarily be used by the RAs when they are creating projections. It defaults to all expense types across all funds managed by the PI but you can use the filters to limit the results.

In the Burn Rate Tab, you can:

  • See a breakdown of the monthly average for each chartstring used by the faculty member over the last year.
  • Adjust spending according to your current plan. The data in this page can be input into the Non-Compensation section of the input form when inputting projections, to project based on spending over the last year. 
  • See average monthly Actuals amount for all funds associated with the faculty member.